FTTH Network

GPON vs. EPON Costs Comparison

GPON and EPON Technology Comparison The key factor for determine FTTH network cost is understand the performance characteristics of the PON tecnology. because The PON upstream/downstream bandwidth, bandwidth efficiency and the splitting ratio will affect it. the following table have a brief comparison about the GPON and EPON technology. detailed comparison please read our blog: […]

100G & 400G HOW-TO

How to clean SFP (SFFP), XFP, CFP, MSA Transceivers

Most SFP (small form-factor pluggable) module transmitters have an LC (Simplex or duplex) or SC connector with a stub. It is relatively easy to clean following the standard connector if you follow the following cleaning steps: However, the SFP receiver can have an air gap chamber or an internal lens, which makes cleaning and inspecting […]

Tools and Tool kits

Connector Cleaning Method

Cleaning Procedure Figure 9 below, illustrates the step-by-step inspection/cleaning procedure that should be rigorously followed before a fiber is connected to another optical component—using this simple procedure can avoid costly network downtime A reliable network begins with connector care and cleaning. Through the years, many devices and procedures have been used. In the past, the way […]

Optical Component

Connector Inspection

Light Budget is one of the key items for designing fiber optic network. in order to create a product that will meet application requirements. To adequately characterize the budget loss, the following key parameters are generally considered: Transmitter: Output power, temperature and aging Fiber connections: Active connection and splices Fiber Cable: fiber attenuation and temperature effect Receiver: Detector […]