Data Transmission

Purpose and Scope of the X2 MSA


This Multi-Source Agreement (MSA) defines X2, a compact 10 Gigabit/s optical transceiver. The MSA should be regarded as a supplement to the XENPAK MSA and does not attempt to re-specify areas already covered by XENPAK. Every attempt has been made to make this document succinct and contain only information required to make or use the module.

The X2 MSA specifies a module that is physically shorter than XENPAK, mounts on the topside of the host PCB and uses the established electrical I/O specification defined by the XENPAK MSA. X2 is initially focused on “second generation” 10 Gb/sec enterprise, storage and telecom applications that do not require the thermal capacity provided by XENPAK.

The X2 platform is designed to use a side rail support system that allows the heat sink and front bezel to be easily adapted to the different needs of the key 10 Gb/sec markets. The structure of the X2 rail system has been carefully designed to allow unblocked airflow over the full length of the top surface area, irrespective of direction. X2 can be mounted on the front panel, mid board, or on a “conventional” PCI or compact PCI “blade”. The ability to support different height variants, without changing the side rail support, is also a key X2 strength.

Optically, the X2 MSA supports 802.3ae 10 Gb/sec Ethernet, ANSI/ITUT OC192/STM-64 SONET/SDH interfaces, ITUT G.709, OIF OC192 VSR, INCITS/ANSI 10GFC (10 Gigabit Fibre Channel) and others. X2 is ideally suited for Ethernet, Fibre Channel and telecom switches and standard PCI (peripheral component interconnect) based server and storage connections, where a “half size” XENPAK optical transceiver is desired.

X2 uses the same 70-pin electrical connector as XENPAK and supports implementations of XENPAK’s four lane XAUI (10 Gigabit attachment unit interface) at both Ethernet (3.125 Gb/sec) and/or Fiber Channel (3.1875 Gb/sec) rates. X2 will also support the OIF SFI4 P2 and serial electrical interfaces as they may emerge in XENPAK, as well as ongoing maintenance.

Thermal analysis indicates that X2 will support both PCI and transverse applications with an acceptable operating margin. Additionally, the rail system allows for flexibility in heat sink configurations and provides the maximum surface area for cooling. Thermal cooling features can be designed to best meet a particular environment’s requirements without alterations to the EMI containment or mounting systems.